MASC New CashApp Account

We are pleased to announce that MASC’s new CashApp account is open. Please inform your Group Treasurers to no longer use any previous CashApp accounts you may have. All information is in the flyer below. Download Flyer...

NA Membership Survey

Help us get an accurate picture of NA today by filling out the anonymous Membership Survey. Some may wonder why we want this information and how we use it. One of the aims of “A Vision for NA Service” is that NA is viewed as a “viable program of recovery.” With members from several...

Manhattan PI’s Poster Drive Event Please go to the video so you can see how the community is participating in carrying the message. It’s a beautiful thing to see people working for the same goal with a purpose……..   The ways in which we carry the message are as varied as our members- -It Works How and Why...


For CAR/CAT Survey Results and other info about GNYRSC just click on Manhattan Area Service and choose DOCUMENTS. You can download and share information for  sharing  with groups. You can also download monthly MASC meeting and Manhattan PI minutes  ...


**********************NEW MEETING********************************************* WEDNESDAY @3PM (NOT ON SUNDAYS ANYMORE)   HARLEM UNITED-123-125 WEST 124ST BETWEEN ADAM CLAYTON POWELL AND MALCOLM X BLVD Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. READY WILLING & ABLE MEETINGS RESUME    *FRIDAY- REMEMBER THE PAIN @7PM    *SATURDAY-ITCAN BE DONE @6:30PM...