

Unity meets every other Friday

Manhattan Area Steering Committee


MASC Steering Committee Meets Every Month on the Thursday before MASC Meeting at 6 PM Zoom ID#847 4917 0735 PW: 737805

Fish Fry & Dance

120 E. 110th Street, New York, NY 10029 120 E. 110th Street, New York, NY, United States

Manhattan Area Service Conference


Monthly Area Service Committee Meeting Meets the 1st Saturday of Every Month at 10 AM Zoom ID#890 1028 0016 PW: 601396

Unity “Winter Wonderland” Speaker Jam, Entertainment & Dance

Taino Towers Gym 240 East 123rd Street (between 2nd & 3rd Aves), New York, NY, United States

The NA Manhattan Area Service Conference Unity Committee presents "A Winter Wonderland - Gift of Recovery" Speaker Jam, Entertainment and Dance. For tickets and more information contact Shannon D. 929-374-7815, Solomon W. 917-684-8100, or John B. 718-288-9125. Unity is a special interest fundraising and events committee of Manhattan Area. In keeping with our Third Tradition,…